The long-term results of cemented Oxford unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: A single-center experience

Gökhan Bülent Sever, Cenk Cankuş

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 3 Pages: 233-240 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.66429
0 3708

The effects of focal brain damage on fracture healing: An experimental rat study

Mustafa Arık, Yakup Ekinci, Kaan Gürbüz, Sabri Batın

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 3 Pages: 267-274 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.66041
0 4484

Fit assessment of two different anatomically contoured distal femur plate sets on cadaveric bones

Ali Utkan, Volkan İğdir, Aydın Arslan, Tülin Şen Esmer, Bülent Özkurt

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 2 Pages: 137-142 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.64940
0 3116

Is routine coracoplasty necessary in isolated subscapularis tears?

Tacettin Ayanoğlu, Baybars Ataoğlu, Mustafa Özer, Mehmet Çetinkaya, Ahmet Yiğit Kaptan, Ulunay Kanatlı

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 2 Pages: 112-116 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.64710
0 3212

Percutaneous needle aponeurotomy for the treatment of Dupuytren’s contracture

Mustafa Karakaplan, Kadir Ertem, Hacı Polat, Mehmet Şah Sakçı, Yunus Oklu

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 1 Pages: 053-060 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.58854
0 3805

A new method for the assessment of reduction tension during open reduction in patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip

Oktay Adanır, Serdar Yüksel, Ozan Beytemur

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 1 Pages: 038-045 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.61744
0 3175

Does median nerve translate pre- and postoperatively in carpal tunnel syndrome?

Ahmet Yıldırım, Onur Tutar, Alaaddin Nayman, Levent Yalçın, Egemen Altan

Issue: 2018, Volume 29 - Issue 3 Pages: 165-169 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2018.61262
0 2820

Diabetes mellitus accelerates fatty degeneration of the supraspinatus muscle after tendon tear: An experimental study in rats

Baver Acar, Özkan Köse, Güneş Aytaç, Serra Öztürk, Asiye Kübra Göksu, Gamze Tanrıover, Muzaffer Sindel

Issue: 2018, Volume 29 - Issue 3 Pages: 176-183 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2018.62388
0 3051

Comparison of bench-top simulation versus traditional training models in diagnostic arthroscopic skills training

İbrahim Deniz Canbeyli, Meriç Çırpar, Birhan Oktaş, Seyyid İsa Keskinkılıç

Issue: 2018, Volume 29 - Issue 3 Pages: 130-138 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2018.61213
0 3090

Surgical reconstruction of hip subluxation and dislocation in children with cerebral palsy

Murat Oto, İlker Abdullah Sarıkaya, Ozan Ali Erdal, Ali Şeker

Issue: 2018, Volume 29 - Issue 1 Pages: 008-012 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2018.59227
0 4119

Effects of low molecular weight heparin and rivaroxaban on rat Achilles tendon healing

Yılmaz Eren, Oktay Adanır, Yaşar Mahsut Dinçel, Erdinç Genç, Yunus Ziya Arslan, Aysel Çağlar

Issue: 2018, Volume 29 - Issue 1 Pages: 013-019 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2018.54577
0 3528

Liposclerosing myxofibrous tumor: a rare tumor of proximal femur

Ozan Beytemür, Ümit Seza Tetikkurt, Cem Albay, Gonca Kavşut, Akif Güleç

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 3 Pages: 210-213 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.48394
0 7107

Comparison of non-compression and compression interlocking intramedullary nailing in rabbit femoral shaft osteotomy model

Mehmet Emre Baki, Cengiz Aldemir, Fatih Duygun, Ali Doğan, Gökçen Kerimoğlu

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 1 Pages: 007-012 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.54333
0 3016

Pregabalin does not affect fracture healing adversely

Nizamettin Koçkara, Hakan Sofu, Ahmet Issin, Mehmet Çetinkaya, Mahir Tayfur, Bahadır Süleyman

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 1 Pages: 019-024 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.50897
0 3240

Evaluation of proximal femoral nail-antirotation and cemented, bipolar hemiarthroplasty with calcar replacement in treatment of intertrochanteric femoral fractures in terms of mortality and morbidity ratios

Erdinç Esen, Hakan Dur, M. Baybars Ataoğlu, Tacettin Ayanoğlu, Sacit Turanlı

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 1 Pages: 035-040 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.53247
0 4759

Surgical treatment of bilateral femoral stress fractures related with long-term alendronate therapy

Ulunay Kanatlı, M. Baybars Ataoğlu, Mustafa Özer, H. Nevzat Topçu, Mehmet Çetinkaya

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 1 Pages: 055-058 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.45440
0 2959

Risk factors for contralateral hip fractures following femoral neck fractures in elderly: analysis of the Hungarian nationwide health insurance database

Krisztina Juhász, Imre Boncz, Balázs Patczai, Tibor Mintál, Andor Sebestyén

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 3 Pages: 146-152 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.30
0 3433

Less invasive surgery using external fixator for the treatment of subtrochanteric femur fracture in a high-risk geriatric patient

O. Şahap Atik, Fatih İ. Can, M. Selçuk Şenol, Toygun K. Eren

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 2 Pages: 100-102 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.21
0 3463

Is axial shape of distal femur different in normal and osteoarthritic female patients?

Namık Şahin, Senem Turan Özdemir, Gökhan Ocakoğlu, İlker Ercan, Teoman Atıcı, Ünal Kurdoğlu

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 2 Pages: 068-073 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.16
0 2657

The effect of teicoplanin on fracture healing: an experimental study

Hasan Göçer, Mehmet Emin Önger, Numan Kuyubaşı, Alper Çıraklı, Mustafa Çağlar Kır

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 1 Pages: 016-021 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.04
0 2709