
Surgical treatment of periprosthetic joint infection: Two stage or one stage?

O. Şahap Atik

Pages: 001-002 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2025.57926
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Original Article

Clinical results of knee juxta-articular giant-cell tumors treated with bone cement filling and internal fixation after extensive curettage

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Expression of lipid metabolism and cartilage degeneration-related factors in lumbar vertebral endplate Modic changes

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Heterotopic ossification following severe radial head fractures: Clinical outcome and associated factors

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Use of nailfold capillaroscopy for the assessment of patients undergoing digit replantation and revascularization

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Potential impact of obstetric history on postmenopausal fragility fracture risk: A reassessment of the Fracture Risk Assessment Tool

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Surgical treatment of coronal plane hamate fractures: Clinical and radiological outcomes

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Is casting superior to plate fixation in metacarpal shaft fractures?

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Evaluation of ChatGPT-4o’s answers to questions about hip arthroscopy from the patient perspective

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The effects of gabapentin and pregabalin on fracture healing: A histological, radiological, and biomechanical analysis

Ahmet Emrah Açan, Mert Emre Aydın, Özgür Bulmuş, Emrah Özcan, Aslı Karakılıç, Gülay Turan, Reşit Buğra Hüsemoğlu

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Pregnancy- and lactation-related bone fragility: The hidden risk

Mustafa Ünal, Koray Görkem Saçıntı, Erdem Aras Sezgin

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Controversial Issues & Current Concepts

Does the use of robotic technology in knee arthroplasty provide superior clinical outcomes?

O. Şahap Atik, Mustafa Y. Hatipoğlu

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Case Report

To perform or not to perform fasciotomy? A rare case report

Ahmet Y. Sarıaslan, Murat Kahraman, Tuba Y. Uçarkuş, Kaan Gürbüz

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