Treatment of adult isolated ulnar diaphyseal fractures: A comparison of new-generation locked intramedullary nail and plate fixation

Birkan Kibar, Tuhan Kurtulmuş

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 3 Pages: 246-251 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.66344
0 3472

Functional and radiological outcomes of multiple dorsal carpometacarpal fracture dislocations treated with open reduction and internal fixation

Mehmet Ali Talmaç, Mehmet Akif Görgel, Ferdi Dırvar, Okan Tokgozoglu, Hacı Mustafa Özdemir

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 2 Pages: 130-136 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.64279
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The effects of radial bowing and complications in intramedullary nail fixation of adult forearm fractures

Ali Çağdaş Yörükoğlu, Ahmet Fahir Demirkan, Alp Akman, Ali Kitiş, Hande Usta

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 1 Pages: 030-034 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.05
0 3858

Surgical treatment of bilateral femoral stress fractures related with long-term alendronate therapy

Ulunay Kanatlı, M. Baybars Ataoğlu, Mustafa Özer, H. Nevzat Topçu, Mehmet Çetinkaya

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 1 Pages: 055-058 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.45440
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Is intramedullary nailing applicable for distal tibial fractures with ankle joint extension?

Ozan Beytemür, Cem Albay, Oktay Adanır, Serdar Yüksel, Mehmet Akif Güleç

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 3 Pages: 125-131 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.27
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Intrapelvic acetabulum surgery: does the positioning of the plate fixation play a role in the stability of the osteosynthesis?

Gergely Sztrinkai, Tamás Bodzay, Benjámin Madarász, Gergely Zoltán, Tamás Gál, Károly Váradi

Issue: 2015, Volume 26 - Issue 3 Pages: 126-130 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2015.27
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A new intramedullary sustained dynamic compression nail for the treatment of long bone fractures: a biomechanical study

Ahmet Karakaşlı, İsmail Safa Satoğlu, Hasan Havıtçıoğlu

Issue: 2015, Volume 26 - Issue 2 Pages: 064-071 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2015.16
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Further development of our finite element pelvic model to compare fixation methods for pelvic fractures

Gergely Sztrinkai, Tamás Bodzay, Sándor Pajor, Péter Erdös, Zsolt Vendégh, Zoltán Jónás, Károly Váradi

Issue: 2014, Volume 25 - Issue 1 Pages: 008-014 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2014.03
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Measurement of screw length through drilling technique in osteosynthesis of the proximal humerus fractures

Cem Coşkun Avcı, Deniz Gülabi, Necdet Sağlam, Tuhan Kurtulmuş, Gürsel Saka

Issue: 2013, Volume 24 - Issue 3 Pages: 156-162 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2013.34
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Unlocked using of interlocked intramedullary nails in tibial shaft fractures

Cavit Sertaç Saruhan, Ruhi Algün, Burhanettin Barış, Kıvanç Budak

Issue: 2013, Volume 24 - Issue 1 Pages: 023-029 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2013.06
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Bilateral traumatic patella fracture: a case report

Meriç Çırpar, Mehmet Türker, Arif Aslan, Mehmet Yalçınozan

Issue: 2011, Volume 22 - Issue 2 Pages: 110-113
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Comparison of cannulated lag screws and lateral locking plate in the treatment of Schatzker type II tibial plateau fractures

Ahmet Sevencan, Mehmet Selçuk Şenol, Abdulhamit Mısır, Osman Emre Aycan, Akif Albayrak, Hanifi Uçpunar

Issue: 2020, Volume 31 - Issue 1 Pages: 130-136 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2020.66654
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Stabilization of calcaneus fractures in a closed manner with a distraction screw

István Kádas, János Szita, György Zadravecz, László Hangody, József Dóczi

Issue: 2008, Volume 19 - Issue 1 Pages: 045-049
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Transchondral patellar fracture: a case report

Hakan Kınık

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 3 Pages: 139-142
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A new technique for distal forearm fractures: the external radius fixator

István Kádas, János Szita, Antal Renner, Zsolt Vendégh, Balázs Gloviczki

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 3 Pages: 143-149
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A case of ipsilateral floating hip and knee with concomitant arterial injury

Güvenir Okcu, Hüseyin S. Yercan

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 3 Pages: 134-138
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Comparison of fixation methods for scaphoid nonunions: a biomechanical model

Anand Panchal, Erik Kubiak, Mitchell Keshner, Eric Fulkerson

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 2 Pages: 066-071
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Çocuklarda humerus medial epikondil kırıklarında orta dönem tedavi sonuçları

Oktay Belhan, Lokman Karakurt, Erhan Yılmaz, Erhan Serin, Mustafa İncesu, Mehmet Bulut

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 2 Pages: 047-051
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Do radiographic and functional results correlate after fixation of Schatzker V-VI tibial plateau fractures?

Kenneth A. Egol, Monet France, Nirmal C. Tejwani, Toni McLaurin, Kenneth J. Koval

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 2 Pages: 058-065
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Subtrochanteric femur fracture following hip arthrodesis: a report of three cases

Basil J. Alwattar, Kenneth A Egol

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 1 Pages: 039-043
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