The effects of focal brain damage on fracture healing: An experimental rat study

Mustafa Arık, Yakup Ekinci, Kaan Gürbüz, Sabri Batın

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 3 Pages: 267-274 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.66041
0 4483

The effect of pentoxifylline on Achilles tendon healing in tenotomized rabbits

Abdullah Alper Şahin, Kutay Engin Özturan, Alper Çıraklı, Fahri Yılmaz, Mehmet Boz, Hasan Kızılay

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 3 Pages: 259-266 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.66859
0 3719

Mesenchymal stem cells have significant anti-infective effect on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis vascular graft infections

İbrahim Deniz Canbeyli, Mehmet Kabalcı, Meriç Çırpar, Meral Tiryaki, Birhan Oktaş

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 3 Pages: 201-211 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.66162
0 2916

Endoscopic treatment of bilateral hallux saltans in an ordinary woman

Mehmet Ali Tokgöz, Ulunay Kanatlı, Abdurrahman Vural, Muhammet Baybars Ataoğlu, Aliekber Yapar, Yılmaz Ergişi

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 3 Pages: 322-324 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.70192
0 2781

Wear pattern on the bottom of tennis shoe after surgical repair of acute Achilles tendon rupture: 22-year follow-up

O. Şahap Atik

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 1 Pages: 065-067 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.002
0 2656

Reconstruction of the Achilles tendon using quadriceps tendon graft in bilateral xanthomas secondary to familial hypercholesterolemia: A case report

Yaşar Mahsut Dinçel, Yavuz Arıkan, Devrim Özer, Şeckin Basılgan

Issue: 2018, Volume 29 - Issue 2 Pages: 117-122 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2018.60542
0 3335

Local application of tranexamic acid affects tendon healing negatively in the late period

Alper Çıraklı, Pınar Naile Gürgör, Erdal Uzun, Havva Erdem, Soner Çankaya, Orhan Baş

Issue: 2018, Volume 29 - Issue 1 Pages: 020-026 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2018.56675
0 3218

Effects of low molecular weight heparin and rivaroxaban on rat Achilles tendon healing

Yılmaz Eren, Oktay Adanır, Yaşar Mahsut Dinçel, Erdinç Genç, Yunus Ziya Arslan, Aysel Çağlar

Issue: 2018, Volume 29 - Issue 1 Pages: 013-019 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2018.54577
0 3526

Do peak torque angles of muscles change following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using hamstring or patellar tendon graft?

Hayri Baran Yosmaoğlu, Gül Baltacı, Emel Sönmezer, Hamza Özer, Deha Doğan

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 3 Pages: 182-187 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.54949
0 3946

Rafting technique without bone grafting in reverse Hill-Sachs lesions

Meriç Çırpar, Birhan Oktaş, Bülent Dağlar

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 3 Pages: 202-206 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.54195
0 3227

Comparison of the effects of human recombinant epidermal growth factor and platelet-rich plasma on healing of rabbit patellar tendon

Baran Sarıkaya, Nihat Yumuşak, Akın Yigin, Serkan Sipahioğlu, Ünal Yavuz, Mehmet Akif Altay

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 2 Pages: 092-099 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.55396
0 3154

Attritional rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon due to calcified extensor carpi radialis tendon group: a case report

Kadir Ertem, Zeynep Maraş Özdemir, Gökay Görmeli, Muhammed Köroğlu

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 1 Pages: 059-061 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.45063
0 3002

Above-knee amputation followed by femoral replantation: 21-year follow-up results after lower limb replantation

Antal Renner, Annamária Szentirmai, Andrea Sántha, Tamás Viola, Ferenc Gyárfás, András Melly, Péter Varga, Tibor Retteghy

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 2 Pages: 117-121 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.25
0 2956

Glucosamine-chondroitin sulphate accelerates tendon-to-bone healing in rabbits

Anıl Taşkesen, Baybars Ataoğlu, Mustafa Özer, İsmail Demirkale, Sacit Turanlı

Issue: 2015, Volume 26 - Issue 2 Pages: 077-083 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2015.17
0 4988

Clinical experiences with cartilage repair techniques: outcomes, indications, contraindications and rehabilitation

Ágnes Berta, Zsófia Duska, Ferenc Tóth, László Hangody

Issue: 2015, Volume 26 - Issue 2 Pages: 084-096 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2015.19
0 4204

Hypothenar hammer syndrome: a case series and literature review

Mehmet Şükrü Şahin, Tuna Özyürekoğlu, Gökhan Çakmak

Issue: 2015, Volume 26 - Issue 1 Pages: 011-015 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2015.04
0 3672

Effect of Ankaferd blood stopper® on tendon healing: an experimental study in a rat model of Achilles tendon injury

Bahattin Kerem Aydın, Egemen Altan, Mehmet Ali Acar, Ömer Faruk Erkoçak, Serdar Ugraş

Issue: 2015, Volume 26 - Issue 1 Pages: 031-037 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2015.08
0 3503

Neglected ipsilateral simultaneous ruptures of patellar and quadriceps tendon

İlker Karahasanoğlu, Osman Yoloğlu, Servet Kerimoğlu, Ahmet Uğur Turhan

Issue: 2015, Volume 26 - Issue 1 Pages: 049-051 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2015.11
0 5099

Vascular pedicled iliac bone grafting is effective in patients with an early stage of femoral head avascular necrosis

Nurzat Elmalı, Kadir Ertem, Mustafa Karakaplan, Demet Pepele, Cihat Dağgez, Haldun Topgül

Issue: 2014, Volume 25 - Issue 1 Pages: 002-007 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2014.02
0 3504

Biomechanical examination of patellar tendon ruptures repaired with a tendon graft: an experimental study

İlker Karahasanoğlu, Osman Yoloğlu, Atilla Çıtlak, Servet Kerimoğlu, Ahmet U. Turhan

Issue: 2014, Volume 25 - Issue 1 Pages: 047-051 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2014.10
0 3848