Is pelvic mapping applicable in iliosacral screw fixation to determine screw entry point and screw trajectory?

Serhat Durusoy, Ahmet Emre Paksoy, Murat Korkmaz, Ahmet Şükrü Solak, Bülent Dağlar

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 3 Pages: 252-258 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.66489
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Biomechanical comparison of a new handy tension band with malleolar screw, bicortical screw and conventional tension band for the fixation of transverse medial malleolar fractures

Tolgahan Kuru, Fuat Akpınar, Cengiz Işık, Recai Özkılıç, Serdar İpek, İbrahim Mutlu, Hasan Kızılay

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 3 Pages: 301-308 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.66919
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Effects of a lateral row anchor position on the suture holding strength of a double-row knotless fixation in rotator cuff repair

Ahmet Emrah Acan, Onur Hapa, Levent Horoz, Aylin Kara, Hasan Havıtçıoğlu

Issue: 2018, Volume 29 - Issue 1 Pages: 046-051 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2018.57519
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Combination of anatomical locking plate and retrograde intramedullary nail in distal femoral fractures: comparison of mechanical stability

Onur Başcı, Ahmet Karakaşlı, Erdem Kumtepe, Ortaç Güran, Hasan Havıtçıoğlu

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How effective is in situ pinning with single screw fixation in mildly or moderately slipped capital femoral epipyhysis?

Mutlu Çobanoglu, Emre Çullu, İlhan Özkan

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Biomechanical comparison of intact lumbar lamb spine and endoscopic discectomized lamb spine

Ahmet Karakaşlı, Didem Venüs Yıldız, Erdem Kumtepe, Ceren Kızmazoğlu, Hasan Havıtçıoğlu

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Treatment of chronic lateral instability of the ankle with the Colville technique: a prospective analysis with minimum five years of follow-up

Kenan Keklikçi, Orçun Şahin, Cengiz Yıldırım, Can Solakoğlu, Ahmet Kıral, Özcan Pehlivan, İbrahim Akmaz

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Investigation of radioulnocarpal joint load distribution effects of radial shortening osteotomy for the treatment of Kienböck disease: a biomechanical study

Ahmet Cemil Turhan, Bora Uzun, Meriç Ünal, Bahadır Uyulgan, Bayram Ünver, İzge Günal

Issue: 2010, Volume 21 - Issue 2 Pages: 098-103
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Double plate osteosynthesis provides better biomechanical stabilization than double tension band technique in distal humerus fractures

Yunus Doğramacı, Erdinç Esen, Mustafa Kürklü, Yalçın Kırıcı, Ali O. Atahan, Mahmut Kömürcü

Issue: 2010, Volume 21 - Issue 1 Pages: 044-049
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Single versus double screw fixation for the treatment of scaphoid waist fractures: Finite element analysis and preliminary clinical results in scaphoid nonunion

Baver Acar, Özkan Köse, Adil Turan, Yusuf Alper Katı, Ferhat Güler

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Data on axial alignment of the lower extremity of individuals living in the district of Tokat, Turkey

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The role of primary stability in mosaicplasty: a review of the literature

Géza Kordás

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Comparison of fixation methods for scaphoid nonunions: a biomechanical model

Anand Panchal, Erik Kubiak, Mitchell Keshner, Eric Fulkerson

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Percutaneous translaminar facet pedicle screw fixation following anterior lumbar interbody fusion

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A comparison between tendon-bone contact areas of autografts prepared for single or double tunnel anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions

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Effects of Partial Medial Meniscectomy on Load Distribution and Anterior Displacement of the Proximal Tibia. - A Biomechanical Study in Dogs

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Biomechanics of the Intramedullary Interlocking Nail (An Experimental Work On Distal Locking Screw)

Sitki PERCIN, Yuksel OZKAN, Rasim IPEK

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Biomechanical comparison of fixation of two-part osteoporotic neck fracture of the proximal humerus using uni-planar and multi-planar Kirschner wire

Erdinç Esen, Yunus Doğramacı, Mahmut Kömürcü, Ulunay Kanatlı, Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Ali Osman Atahan

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Do three-dimensional modeling and printing technologies have an impact on the surgical success of percutaneous transsacral screw fixation?

Serhat Durusoy, Volkan Akdoğan, Ahmet Emre Paksoy

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Is there a safe place for posterior malleolar screw fixation? An anatomic study on dry bones

Hasan May, Özkan Köse, Özlem Kastan, Tuluhan Yunus Emre, Muzaffer Sindel, Mehmet Orçun Akkurt

Issue: 2020, Volume 31 - Issue 3 Pages: 476-479 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2020.73886
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