The long-term results of cemented Oxford unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: A single-center experience

Gökhan Bülent Sever, Cenk Cankuş

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 3 Pages: 233-240 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.66429
0 3708

Selective arterial embolization as neoadjuvant treatment in hip pseudotumors

Mehmet Ali Tokgöz, Andrea Sambri, Giuseppe Rossi, Giuseppe Bianchi, Davide Maria Donati

Issue: 2019, Volume 30 - Issue 1 Pages: 017-023 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.65011
0 3406

Risk factors for contralateral hip fractures following femoral neck fractures in elderly: analysis of the Hungarian nationwide health insurance database

Krisztina Juhász, Imre Boncz, Balázs Patczai, Tibor Mintál, Andor Sebestyén

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 3 Pages: 146-152 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.30
0 3433

The effects of general and spinal anesthesia on systemic inflammatory response in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty

Mehmet Eroğlu, Serdar Kokulu, Halit Buğra Koca, Mehmet Ersegün Demirboğan, Elif Doğan Baki, Özal Özcan

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 3 Pages: 153-159 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.31
0 3335

Preferences of surgeons in total knee and hip arthroplasty, and operating room facilities in Turkey: a survey

İbrahim Azboy, Eyyüp Serdar Yalvaç, Nesrullah Azboy, İlhami Şahin, Sinan Zehir

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 1 Pages: 034-040 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.07
0 4368

Can prosthesis design of total knee arthroplasty affect balance?

Mehmet İsyar, İlknur Saral, Olcay Güler, Engin Çakar, Mahir Mahiroğulları

Issue: 2015, Volume 26 - Issue 2 Pages: 072-076 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2015.18
0 3176

Metal-on-metal dysplasia cup total hip arthroplasty for hip osteoarthritis secondary to developmental dysplasia of the hip

Mehmet Emre Baki, Alper Timurkaynak, Hafız Aydın, Celal Baki

Issue: 2014, Volume 25 - Issue 3 Pages: 154-157 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2014.32
0 2908

An investigation of consistency between posterior condylar axis +3 degree external rotation line and clinical transepicondylar axis line techniques in primary total knee arthroplasty

Hakan Boya, Özal Özcan, Gökhan Maralcan

Issue: 2014, Volume 25 - Issue 2 Pages: 070-074 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2014.16
0 3020

The accuracy of two different extra-medullary tibial cutting guides for posterior tibial slope in total knee arthroplasty

Doğan Bek, Tolga Ege, Cemil Yıldız, Servet Tunay, Mustafa Başbozkurt

Issue: 2014, Volume 25 - Issue 2 Pages: 075-079 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2014.17
0 2835

Bilateral femoral neck insufficiency fractures in pregnancy

Mehmet Emre Baki, Hüseyin Uygun, Bünyamin Arı, Hafız Aydın

Issue: 2014, Volume 25 - Issue 1 Pages: 060-062 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2014.13
0 3703

Eight-year follow-up of uncemented hydroxyapatite coated hip prosthesis for hip osteoarthritis secondary to developmental hip dysplasia

Baran Sarıkaya, Baybars Ataoğlu, Gökay Görmeli, Burak Yağmur Öztürk, Sacit Turanlı

Issue: 2013, Volume 24 - Issue 2 Pages: 091-095 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2013.21
0 4021

Does spinal anesthesia increase the pain and anxiety after total knee arthroplasty? a randomized prospective study

Mustafa S. Aksoy, Murat Bozkurt, Emrah Sayıt, Serhan Ünlü, Hasan Karadağ

Issue: 2013, Volume 24 - Issue 1 Pages: 030-032 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2013.07
0 3275

Bioelectrical impedance analysis of basal metabolic rate and body composition of patients with femoral neck fractures versus controls

Mehmet Akif Altay, Cemil Ertürk, Cemil Sert, Felat Öncel, Uğur Erdem Işıkan

Issue: 2012, Volume 23 - Issue 2 Pages: 077-081
0 2596

Is bone microstructure different between osteopenic and osteoporotic patients with femoral neck fracture?

Orkun Gül, O. Şahap Atik, Deniz Erdoğan, Güleser Göktaş

Issue: 2012, Volume 23 - Issue 1 Pages: 015-019
0 3937

Evaluation of new version of Mecbio hip resurfacing prosthesis

Shu-Ang Wang, Yu-Cheng Zhang, Grant Lu-Sun Shih

Issue: 2012, Volume 23 - Issue 1 Pages: 002-008
0 2449

Cementless total hip arthroplasty for dysplastic and dislocated hips

Kasım Kılıçarslan, Nadir Yalçın, Fuat Karataş, Faruk Çatma, Hasan Yıldırım

Issue: 2011, Volume 22 - Issue 1 Pages: 008-015
0 2762

Bipolar hemiarthroplasty for the treatment of femoral neck fractures and the effect of surgical approach on functional results

Mehmet Akif Altay, Cemil Ertürk, Uğur Erdem Işıkan

Issue: 2010, Volume 21 - Issue 3 Pages: 136-141
0 3354

Gait symmetry in patients with unilateral partial hip arthroplasty

Ö. Fuad Öken, Öznur Öken, A. Özgür Yıldırım, Güneş Yavuzer, Murat Gülcek, Vuslat Sema Ünal, Ahmet Uçaner

Issue: 2010, Volume 21 - Issue 2 Pages: 086-090
0 2382

Intermediate-term results after uncemented total hip arthroplasty for the treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip

Mehmet Nurullah Ermiş, Bülent Dilaveroğlu, Özgün Erçeltik, Ümit Tuhanioğlu, Eyüp Selahattin Karakaş, Mehmet Oğuz Durakbaşa

Issue: 2010, Volume 21 - Issue 1 Pages: 015-022
0 3682

Bilateral femoral neck fracture in a young patient receiving long-term hemodialysis: a case report with a 4-year follow-up

Levent Altınel, Kamil Çağrı Köse, Hayati Durmaz

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 2 Pages: 091-094
0 2054