Effect of intramedullary nail compression amount on the union process of tibial shaft fracture and the evaluation of this effect with a different parameter

Fatih Duygun, Cengiz Aldemir

Issue: 2018, Volume 29 - Issue 2 Pages: 087-092 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2018.60331
0 3121

A comparative study of three commonly used fixation techniques for isolated medial malleolus fracture

Alauddin Kochai, Mehmet Türker, Özgür Çiçekli, Uğur Özdemir, Levent Bayram, Ünal Erkorkmaz, Erhan Şükür

Issue: 2018, Volume 29 - Issue 2 Pages: 104-109 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2018.61449
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Is talon tibial intramedullary nailing clinically superior compared to conventional locked nailing?

Yalkın Çamurcu, Hakan Sofu, Ahmet Issın, Nizamettin Koçkara, Erdinç Genç, Mehmet Çetinkaya

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 3 Pages: 152-157 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.55349
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Is the use of headless compression screws appropriate in arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis?

Durmuş Ali Öçgüder, Ahmet Fırat, Metin Özdemir, Osman Tecimel

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 3 Pages: 171-176 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.55466
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Does platelet-rich plasma have a favorable effect in the early stages of steroid-associated femoral head osteonecrosis in a rabbit model?

Mustafa Karakaplan, Deniz Gülabi, Haldun Topgül, Nurzat Elmalı

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 2 Pages: 107-113 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.54402
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Comparison of non-compression and compression interlocking intramedullary nailing in rabbit femoral shaft osteotomy model

Mehmet Emre Baki, Cengiz Aldemir, Fatih Duygun, Ali Doğan, Gökçen Kerimoğlu

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 1 Pages: 007-012 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.54333
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A new intramedullary sustained dynamic compression nail for the treatment of long bone fractures: a biomechanical study

Ahmet Karakaşlı, İsmail Safa Satoğlu, Hasan Havıtçıoğlu

Issue: 2015, Volume 26 - Issue 2 Pages: 064-071 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2015.16
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Carpal tunnel syndrome in manual tea harvesters

Mert Çiftdemir, Cem Çopuroğlu, Mert Özcan, Leyla Çavdar

Issue: 2013, Volume 24 - Issue 1 Pages: 012-017 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2013.04
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Humeral shaft nonunions: plates and nails

Tahir Sügün, Kemal Özaksar, Tulgar Toros, Murat Kayalar, Emin Bal, Fuat Özerkan

Issue: 2012, Volume 23 - Issue 3 Pages: 150-155
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Assessment of the effects of surgical treatment options for cubital tunnel syndrome on the ulnar nerve by USG and EMG

Fırat Seyfettinoğlu, Ali Karaer, Zeki Sertöz, Ali Dülgeroğlu, Melike Bedel Koruyucu, Osman Arslan Bora

Issue: 2012, Volume 23 - Issue 2 Pages: 088-093
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The efficacy and safety of limited incision technique in carpal tunnel release

Meriç Çırpar, Mahmut Arı, Mehmet Türker, M. Fatih Ekşioğlu, Özgür Çetik

Issue: 2011, Volume 22 - Issue 1 Pages: 033-038
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Ilizarov augmentation in the treatment of humeral shaft nonunions developing after failed in· tramedullary nailing

Hasan Karapınar, Ulaş Akgün, Cemal Kazımoğlu, Tugrul Bulut, Muhittin Şener

Issue: 2010, Volume 21 - Issue 3 Pages: 142-146
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Evaluation of urinary bladder function after acute spinal cord injury:an experimental study

Zekeriya Öztemür, Gündüz Tezeren, İhsan Bağcivan, Bülent Saraç, Nedim Durmuş, Reyhan Eğilmez

Issue: 2010, Volume 21 - Issue 2 Pages: 110-115
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AO tension band technique application in AO tension band technique application in proximal humerus fractures

Cemil Yıldız, Mustafa Kürklü, Hüseyin Özkan, Serkan Bilgiç, Ali Şehirlioğlu, Yüksel Yurttaş, Barbaros Baykal, Mahmut Kömürcü, Mustafa Başbozkurt

Issue: 2010, Volume 21 - Issue 2 Pages: 062-067
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The evaluation of radiological measurements used in diagnosis and treatment of syndesmosis injury: A regional study in Turkey

Yüksel Uğur Yaradılmış, Yusuf Polat, Mehmet Baran Uslu, Ahmet Ateş, İsmail Demirkale, Murat Altay

Issue: 2020, Volume 31 - Issue 1 Pages: 123-129 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2020.71132
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Treatment of the four-part proxsimal humerus fractures in elderly patients with hemiarthroplasty

Nadir Özkayın, Kemal Aktuğlu

Issue: 2008, Volume 19 - Issue 3 Pages: 101-105
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Percutaneous ventral decompression for degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis in medically compromised geriatric patients

Ho-Yeon Lee, Sang-Ho Lee, Song-Woo Shin

Issue: 2005, Volume 16 - Issue 2 Pages: 133-136
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Percutaneous cervical stabilization using the WSH Cervical B-Twin

Won-Chul Choi, Sang-Ho Lee, Yong Ahn, Seungcheol Lee, Byung Kwan Choi, Song-Woo Shin

Issue: 2005, Volume 16 - Issue 2 Pages: 082-087
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Hayrettin KESMEZACAR, Rıfat ERGİNER, Muharrem BABACAN, Tahir ÖĞÜT, Bülent YÜCEL

Issue: 2004, Volume 15 - Issue 3 Pages: 129-134
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Issue: 2003, Volume 14 - Issue 2 Pages: 074-080
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