Transchondral patellar fracture: a case report

Hakan Kınık

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 3 Pages: 139-142
0 2059

A new technique for distal forearm fractures: the external radius fixator

István Kádas, János Szita, Antal Renner, Zsolt Vendégh, Balázs Gloviczki

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 3 Pages: 143-149
0 2521

A case of ipsilateral floating hip and knee with concomitant arterial injury

Güvenir Okcu, Hüseyin S. Yercan

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 3 Pages: 134-138
0 2306

Comparison of fixation methods for scaphoid nonunions: a biomechanical model

Anand Panchal, Erik Kubiak, Mitchell Keshner, Eric Fulkerson

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 2 Pages: 066-071
0 2254

Çocuklarda humerus medial epikondil kırıklarında orta dönem tedavi sonuçları

Oktay Belhan, Lokman Karakurt, Erhan Yılmaz, Erhan Serin, Mustafa İncesu, Mehmet Bulut

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 2 Pages: 047-051
0 1172

Do radiographic and functional results correlate after fixation of Schatzker V-VI tibial plateau fractures?

Kenneth A. Egol, Monet France, Nirmal C. Tejwani, Toni McLaurin, Kenneth J. Koval

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 2 Pages: 058-065
0 2269

Bilateral femoral neck fracture in a young patient receiving long-term hemodialysis: a case report with a 4-year follow-up

Levent Altınel, Kamil Çağrı Köse, Hayati Durmaz

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 2 Pages: 091-094
0 2065

Subtrochanteric femur fracture following hip arthrodesis: a report of three cases

Basil J. Alwattar, Kenneth A Egol

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 1 Pages: 039-043
0 2254

The effect of syndesmotic screw removal or retention on functional results of patients with malleolar fractures

Emrah Kovalak, Fırat Seyfettinoğlu, Mert Tüzüner, Yalım Ateş

Issue: 2006, Volume 17 - Issue 3 Pages: 137-143
0 933

Mathematical modeling of proximal femur geometry and bone mineral density

Mesut Taştan, Özgür Çelik, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Bülent Karasözen, Feza Korkusuz

Issue: 2006, Volume 17 - Issue 3 Pages: 128-136
0 2068

Interlocking intramedullary nailing in femoral shaft fractures: the effect of open or closed reduction on the results

Levent Çelebi, Ertuğrul Akşahin, Hasan Hilmi Muratlı, Onur Hapa, H. Yalçın Yüksel, Ali Biçimoğlu

Issue: 2006, Volume 17 - Issue 3 Pages: 115-122
0 925

The effect of repeated sympathetic blocks on bone growth

Cengiz Yılmaz, Metin M Eskandari, Şebnem Atıcı, Necat Yılmaz, Savaş Aktaş

Issue: 2006, Volume 17 - Issue 2 Pages: 101-104
0 749

Necrotising fasciitis following closed femoral diaphyseal fracture in a child

Ayhan Kılıç, Etel Kayıran, Murat Gül, Bülent Emrah Sayın, Sibel Özkan Gürdal

Issue: 2006, Volume 17 - Issue 2 Pages: 105-109
0 1051

The role of muscle integrity following midshaft clavicular resections: a cadaveric study

İzge Günal, Dinç Özaksoy, Candan Arman, Esat Kiter, Hasan Tatari, Vasfi Karatosun

Issue: 2006, Volume 17 - Issue 1 Pages: 044-048
0 2105

Assessment of proximal ulnar epiphyseal injuries in pediatric ulnar fractures treated by intramedullary nailing

Bülent Adil Taşbaş, M Önder Delialioğlu, Mustafa Ağar, Bülent Dağlar, Kenan Bayrakçı, Deniz Cılız, Uğur Günel

Issue: 2005, Volume 16 - Issue 3 Pages: 194-199
0 1126

Proximal rupture of the long head of the biceps brachii tendon caused by a surgical neck fracture of the humerus: a case report

Kadir Ertem, Nurzat Elmalı, Hacı Bostan, O Arslan Bora

Issue: 2005, Volume 16 - Issue 3 Pages: 224-226
0 2118

Comparison between functional bracing and locked intramedullary nailing in isolated and closed humeral shaft fractures

Özcan Pehlivan, M Ömer Arpacıoğlu, Ahmet Kıral, İbrahim Akmaz, Mahir Mahiroğulları, Haluk Kaplan

Issue: 2005, Volume 16 - Issue 3 Pages: 175-180
0 910

Shoulder hemiarthroplasty for the treatment of three- and four-part fractures of the proximal humerus

Cem Esenyel Zeki, Kamil Çetiner, Ayhan Kara Nedim

Issue: 2005, Volume 16 - Issue 1 Pages: 005-011
0 2214

The use of iliac crest strut graft for forearm nonunion gaps in 10 patients: Nicoll’s technique revisited

Ramesh K Sen, Senthil Kumar R, Sameer Aggarwal, O N Nagi

Issue: 2005, Volume 16 - Issue 1 Pages: 036-041
0 1873

Spontaneous bilateral hip fractures following a seizure: a case report

Hüseyin Yercan, Taçkın Özalp, Aziz Vatansever, Güvenir Okçu, Uğur Öziç

Issue: 2005, Volume 16 - Issue 1 Pages: 071-073
0 1012