Comparison of different fixation methods of bicolumnar acetabular fractures

Tamás Bodzay, Gergely Sztrinkai, András Kocsis, Báliinstnt Kozma, Tamás Gál, Károly Váradi

Issue: 2018, Volume 29 - Issue 1 Pages: 002-007 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2018.59268
0 3154

Basic principles of fracture treatment in children

Hakan Ömeroğlu

Issue: 2018, Volume 29 - Issue 1 Pages: 052-057 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2018.58165
0 24388

Carpometacarpal fracture dislocation of the fourth and fifth finger: mid-term results of 15 patients

Deniz Gülabi, Mehmet Ali Uysal, Bilgehan Çevik, Bülent Kılıç, Emre Karadeniz

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 3 Pages: 164-170 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.54608
0 4667

Is talon tibial intramedullary nailing clinically superior compared to conventional locked nailing?

Yalkın Çamurcu, Hakan Sofu, Ahmet Issın, Nizamettin Koçkara, Erdinç Genç, Mehmet Çetinkaya

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 3 Pages: 152-157 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.55349
0 4696

Rafting technique without bone grafting in reverse Hill-Sachs lesions

Meriç Çırpar, Birhan Oktaş, Bülent Dağlar

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 3 Pages: 202-206 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.54195
0 3245

Intraobserver and interobserver reliability assessment of tibial plateau fracture classification systems

Anıl Taşkesen, İsmail Demirkale, Mustafa Caner Okkaoğlu, Mahmut Özdemir, Mustafa Gökhan Bilgili, Murat Altay

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 3 Pages: 177-181 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.56816
0 3995

Atypical injury of radial nerve after humeral shaft fracture

Murat Yeşil, Özal Özcan, Ömer Ali Kaya, Sadık Emre Erginoğlu

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 2 Pages: 132-136 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.55196
0 3221

Is locked compressive intramedullary nailing for adult humerus shaft fractures advantageous?

Fatih Duygun, Cengiz Aldemir

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 2 Pages: 080-086 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.55687
0 3057

Ulna fracture and medial meniscal tear resulting from dog-related injuries

O. Şahap Atik, Mustafa Odluyurt, Efkan Özcan, Serkan Savlık

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 2 Pages: 137-139 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.00062
0 2560

Neglected bilateral congenital dislocation of the patella

Mehmet Ali Tokgöz, Ali Turgay Çavuşoğlu, Tacettin Ayanoğlu, Tarık Elma, Abdurrahman Vural

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 2 Pages: 128-131 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.54207
0 3506

Comparison of non-compression and compression interlocking intramedullary nailing in rabbit femoral shaft osteotomy model

Mehmet Emre Baki, Cengiz Aldemir, Fatih Duygun, Ali Doğan, Gökçen Kerimoğlu

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 1 Pages: 007-012 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.54333
0 3030

Pregabalin does not affect fracture healing adversely

Nizamettin Koçkara, Hakan Sofu, Ahmet Issin, Mehmet Çetinkaya, Mahir Tayfur, Bahadır Süleyman

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 1 Pages: 019-024 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.50897
0 3252

The effects of radial bowing and complications in intramedullary nail fixation of adult forearm fractures

Ali Çağdaş Yörükoğlu, Ahmet Fahir Demirkan, Alp Akman, Ali Kitiş, Hande Usta

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 1 Pages: 030-034 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.05
0 3935

Surgical treatment of bilateral femoral stress fractures related with long-term alendronate therapy

Ulunay Kanatlı, M. Baybars Ataoğlu, Mustafa Özer, H. Nevzat Topçu, Mehmet Çetinkaya

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 1 Pages: 055-058 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.45440
0 2973

Is intramedullary nailing applicable for distal tibial fractures with ankle joint extension?

Ozan Beytemür, Cem Albay, Oktay Adanır, Serdar Yüksel, Mehmet Akif Güleç

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 3 Pages: 125-131 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.27
0 3051

Risk factors for contralateral hip fractures following femoral neck fractures in elderly: analysis of the Hungarian nationwide health insurance database

Krisztina Juhász, Imre Boncz, Balázs Patczai, Tibor Mintál, Andor Sebestyén

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 3 Pages: 146-152 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.30
0 3448

Treatment of mixed type femoroacetabular impingement using safe surgical hip dislocation in adults

Ulukan İnan, Selim Harmanşa, Hakan Ömeroğlu

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 3 Pages: 160-166 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.32
0 3186

Less invasive surgery using external fixator for the treatment of subtrochanteric femur fracture in a high-risk geriatric patient

O. Şahap Atik, Fatih İ. Can, M. Selçuk Şenol, Toygun K. Eren

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 2 Pages: 100-102 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.21
0 3482

Open Galeazzi fracture with ipsilateral elbow dislocation

Oktay Adanır, Serdar Yüksel, Ozan Beytemur, M. Akif Güleç

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 2 Pages: 113-116 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.24
0 6076

Early-term hip development following Pemberton osteotomy: a radiological follow-up

Baran Sarıkaya, Serkan Sipahioğlu, Zeynep Bekin Sarıkaya, Mehmet Akif Altay, Uğur Erdem Işıkan

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 2 Pages: 081-086 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.18
0 4425