Asymmetric bilateral traumatic dislocation of the hip joint: a case report

Nikola Azar, Merter Yalçınkaya, Yunus Emre Akman, Onat Üzümcügil, Yavuz S. Kabukçuoğlu

Issue: 2010, Volume 21 - Issue 2 Pages: 118-121
0 3721

Unicondylar knee arthroplasty in medial unicompartmental osteoarthritis:technical faults and difficulties

B. Murat Çınar, Sercan Akpınar, Mustafa Uysal, Necip Cesur, Murat Ali Hersekli, Metin Özalay, Gürkan Özkoç

Issue: 2010, Volume 21 - Issue 1 Pages: 031-037
0 4160

Intermediate-term results after uncemented total hip arthroplasty for the treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip

Mehmet Nurullah Ermiş, Bülent Dilaveroğlu, Özgün Erçeltik, Ümit Tuhanioğlu, Eyüp Selahattin Karakaş, Mehmet Oğuz Durakbaşa

Issue: 2010, Volume 21 - Issue 1 Pages: 015-022
0 3605

Tranexamic acid decreases the risk of revision for acute and delayed periprosthetic joint infection after total knee replacement

Marek Lacko, Pavol Jarčuška, Daniela Schreierova, Antónia Lacková, Ahmad Gharaibeh

Issue: 2020, Volume 31 - Issue 1 Pages: 008-013 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2020.72061
2065 5265

Labral tears with axial plane disorders

Onur Gürsan, Ahmet Emrah Açan, Ali Asma, Onur Hapa

Issue: 2020, Volume 31 - Issue 1 Pages: 109-114 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2020.70193
1477 3142

Vacuum test in hip hemiarthroplasty

Volkan Öztuna, Mehmet Çolak, Aziz Vurucu, Cengiz Yılmaz

Issue: 2008, Volume 19 - Issue 3 Pages: 148-149
0 1785

Treatment of the four-part proxsimal humerus fractures in elderly patients with hemiarthroplasty

Nadir Özkayın, Kemal Aktuğlu

Issue: 2008, Volume 19 - Issue 3 Pages: 101-105
0 2231

Smooth uncemented femoral stems do not provide torsional stability of femurs with cortical defects

Nusret Köse, Jay D. Mabrey, Xiaodu Wang, C. Mauli Agrawal

Issue: 2008, Volume 19 - Issue 2 Pages: 066-071
0 1796

Midterm results of the Chiari pelvic ostetomy for acetabular dysplasia

Akın Kapubağlı, Güvenir Okcu

Issue: 2008, Volume 19 - Issue 1 Pages: 005-012
0 2174

Short-term results of Pemberton pericapsular osteotomy for the treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip

Cemil Ertürk

Issue: 2008, Volume 19 - Issue 1 Pages: 013-017
0 2502

Bilateral femoral neck fracture in a young patient receiving long-term hemodialysis: a case report with a 4-year follow-up

Levent Altınel, Kamil Çağrı Köse, Hayati Durmaz

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 2 Pages: 091-094
0 2001

Subtrochanteric femur fracture following hip arthrodesis: a report of three cases

Basil J. Alwattar, Kenneth A Egol

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 1 Pages: 039-043
0 2191

Midterm results of Salter and Pemberton pelvic osteotomies for developmental dysplasia of the hip

Mustafa İncesu, Oktay Belhan, Lokman Karakurt

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 1 Pages: 007-012
0 897

Isolated tuberculosis of the greater trochanter: a case report

Halil Yalçın Yüksel, Ertuğrul Akşahin, Levent Çelebi, Hasan Hilmi Muratlı, Ali Biçimoğlu

Issue: 2006, Volume 17 - Issue 3 Pages: 151-154
0 2022

The effect of the prosthesis type on inpatient functional status and length of hospitalization in primary total hip arthroplasties

Bayram Ünver, Birgül Dönmez, Vasfi Karatosun

Issue: 2006, Volume 17 - Issue 3 Pages: 123-127
0 1912

Mathematical modeling of proximal femur geometry and bone mineral density

Mesut Taştan, Özgür Çelik, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Bülent Karasözen, Feza Korkusuz

Issue: 2006, Volume 17 - Issue 3 Pages: 128-136
0 1999

Minimally invasive arthroplasty

O. Şahap Atik, Burak Y. Öztürk

Issue: 2006, Volume 17 - Issue 3 Pages: 158-160
0 2280

Open reduction in a patient with chronic unreduced traumatic hip dislocation

Metin Manouchehr Eskandari, Cengiz Gönlüşen, İsmail Türkay Özcan, Fehmi Kuyurtar

Issue: 2006, Volume 17 - Issue 2 Pages: 110-113
0 869

Diagnostic value of computed tomography in periprosthetic infections of the hip

Metin Manouchehr Eskandari, Caner Özer, Cengiz Yılmaz, Gülden Ersöz, Alper Gölpınar, Fehmi Kuyurtar

Issue: 2006, Volume 17 - Issue 1 Pages: 009-014
0 2089

Traumatic dislocation of the hip in children: a report of two cases

Cemal Kural, Kürşat Bayraktar, Ahmet Ertürk, Haldun Ertürk

Issue: 2006, Volume 17 - Issue 1 Pages: 049-052
0 1894