Surgical reconstruction of hip subluxation and dislocation in children with cerebral palsy

Murat Oto, İlker Abdullah Sarıkaya, Ozan Ali Erdal, Ali Şeker

Issue: 2018, Volume 29 - Issue 1 Pages: 008-012 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2018.59227
0 4117

Basic principles of fracture treatment in children

Hakan Ömeroğlu

Issue: 2018, Volume 29 - Issue 1 Pages: 052-057 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2018.58165
0 24303

Localized pigmented villonodular synovitis in a child knee

O. Şahap Atik, Hasan Hüseyin Bozkurt, Efkan Özcan, Batuhan Bahadır, Murat Uçar, Betül Öğüt, Leyla Memiş

Issue: 2017, Volume 28 - Issue 1 Pages: 046-049 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2017.00057
0 2931

Treatment of mixed type femoroacetabular impingement using safe surgical hip dislocation in adults

Ulukan İnan, Selim Harmanşa, Hakan Ömeroğlu

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 3 Pages: 160-166 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.32
0 3174

Early-term hip development following Pemberton osteotomy: a radiological follow-up

Baran Sarıkaya, Serkan Sipahioğlu, Zeynep Bekin Sarıkaya, Mehmet Akif Altay, Uğur Erdem Işıkan

Issue: 2016, Volume 27 - Issue 2 Pages: 081-086 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2016.18
0 4395

Elbow septic arthritis associated with pediatric acute leukemia: a case report and literature review

Takuya Uemura, Hirohisa Yagi, Mitsuhiro Okada, Takuya Yokoi, Kosuke Shintani, Hiroaki Nakamura

Issue: 2015, Volume 26 - Issue 3 Pages: 171-174 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2015.35
0 3962

Flexion type supracondylar humerus fractures: 12 year experience of a pediatric orthopedics clinic

Ali Turgut, Önder Kalenderer, Muhammet Bozoğlan, Tayfun Bacaksız, Haluk Ağuş

Issue: 2015, Volume 26 - Issue 3 Pages: 151-157 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2015.31
0 5376

A comparison of short-term clinical and radiological results of Tönnis and Steel pelvic osteotomies in patients with acetabular dysplasia

Mehmet Nuri Konya, Ümit Tuhanioğlu, Ahmet Aslan, Timur Yıldırım, Ayşegül Bursalı, Vedat Şahin, Bilal Demir

Issue: 2013, Volume 24 - Issue 2 Pages: 096-101 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2013.22
0 4191

Traumatic asymmetrical bilateral hip dislocation: a case report and literature review

Yue Fang, Fu-xing Pei, Tian-fu Yang, Guang-lin Wang, Lei Liu

Issue: 2011, Volume 22 - Issue 3 Pages: 177-179
0 2687

Cementless total hip arthroplasty for dysplastic and dislocated hips

Kasım Kılıçarslan, Nadir Yalçın, Fuat Karataş, Faruk Çatma, Hasan Yıldırım

Issue: 2011, Volume 22 - Issue 1 Pages: 008-015
0 2761

Midterm results of the Chiari pelvic ostetomy for acetabular dysplasia

Akın Kapubağlı, Güvenir Okcu

Issue: 2008, Volume 19 - Issue 1 Pages: 005-012
0 2229

Çocuklarda humerus medial epikondil kırıklarında orta dönem tedavi sonuçları

Oktay Belhan, Lokman Karakurt, Erhan Yılmaz, Erhan Serin, Mustafa İncesu, Mehmet Bulut

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 2 Pages: 047-051
0 1166

Clinical, radiological and anatomical dissection findings in tibial hemimelia Jones type Ia treated with knee disarticulation

Bülent Dağlar, Önder Murat Delialioğlu, Mustafa Ağar, Bülent Adil Taşbaş, Kenan Bayrakcı, Selçuk Sürücü, Uğur Günel

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 2 Pages: 085-090
0 1076

Midterm results of Salter and Pemberton pelvic osteotomies for developmental dysplasia of the hip

Mustafa İncesu, Oktay Belhan, Lokman Karakurt

Issue: 2007, Volume 18 - Issue 1 Pages: 007-012
0 928

Open reduction in a patient with chronic unreduced traumatic hip dislocation

Metin Manouchehr Eskandari, Cengiz Gönlüşen, İsmail Türkay Özcan, Fehmi Kuyurtar

Issue: 2006, Volume 17 - Issue 2 Pages: 110-113
0 901

Traumatic dislocation of the hip in children: a report of two cases

Cemal Kural, Kürşat Bayraktar, Ahmet Ertürk, Haldun Ertürk

Issue: 2006, Volume 17 - Issue 1 Pages: 049-052
0 1945

Assessment of proximal ulnar epiphyseal injuries in pediatric ulnar fractures treated by intramedullary nailing

Bülent Adil Taşbaş, M Önder Delialioğlu, Mustafa Ağar, Bülent Dağlar, Kenan Bayrakçı, Deniz Cılız, Uğur Günel

Issue: 2005, Volume 16 - Issue 3 Pages: 194-199
0 1122

Evaluation of structural changes in tarsal bones following complete subtalar release for congenital clubfoot

Önder Kalenderer, Haluk Ağuş, Aziz Vatansever, Serkan Özlük, Hüseyin Şentürk

Issue: 2005, Volume 16 - Issue 1 Pages: 031-035
0 2075

Bilateral traumatic dislocation of the hip: a case report

Asım Cılız, Ali Utkan, Cem Cüneyt Köse, Mehmet Emin Uludağ, Mehmet Ali Tümöz

Issue: 2005, Volume 16 - Issue 1 Pages: 067-070
0 792

The results of Milwaukee brace treatment for thoracic Scheuermann’s kyphosis

Kerem Kurt, İ Teoman Benli, Çağlar Koçer, Onat Üzümcügil, Bülent Ateş, Erbil Aydın

Issue: 2005, Volume 16 - Issue 1 Pages: 020-030
0 1186