Short-term results of total hip replacement due to acetabular fractures

István Flóris, Tamás Bodzay, Zsolt Vendégh, Balázs Gloviczki, Péter Balázs

Issue: 2013, Volume 24 - Issue 2 Pages: 064-071 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2013.16
0 2990

Arthroscopic resection of osteochondroma of the knee: two case reports

Engin Kesgin, Cengiz Çelik, Sinan Karaoğlu

Issue: 2013, Volume 24 - Issue 2 Pages: 112-116 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2013.25
0 3069

The effect of acromioclavicular joint degeneration on orthopedic shoulder tests

Alper Murat Ulaşlı, Serap Erkeç, Seçil Uyar, Barış Nacır, Ömer Yılmaz, Hatice Rana Erdem

Issue: 2013, Volume 24 - Issue 2 Pages: 077-081 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2013.18
0 3134

Calcific mediopatellar plica: a case report

İbrahim Karaman, Ahmet Güney, Kaan Gürbüz, Ökkeş Bilal, Betül Güney

Issue: 2013, Volume 24 - Issue 2 Pages: 117-120 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2013.26
0 3230

Radiation synovectomy therapy combined with surgical synovectomy in chronic nonspecific synovitis of the knee joint

Zekeriya Öztemür, Okay Bulut, Murat Korkmaz, Hayati Öztürk, Gündüz Tezeren

Issue: 2013, Volume 24 - Issue 1 Pages: 018-022 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2013.05
0 4212

Investigation of body weight ratios on joint structures at different knee flexion angles in patients with unilateral knee arthroplasty

Serkan Bakırhan, Bayram Ünver, Vasfi Karatosun

Issue: 2013, Volume 24 - Issue 1 Pages: 007-011 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2013.03
0 3586

Does spinal anesthesia increase the pain and anxiety after total knee arthroplasty? a randomized prospective study

Mustafa S. Aksoy, Murat Bozkurt, Emrah Sayıt, Serhan Ünlü, Hasan Karadağ

Issue: 2013, Volume 24 - Issue 1 Pages: 030-032 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2013.07
0 3298

Does tranexamic acid reduce blood loss and blood transfusion requirement in knee arthroplasty?

O. Şahap Atik

Issue: 2012, Volume 23 - Issue 3 Pages: 166-167
0 2243

Long-term use of fondaparinux in major orthopedic surgery

Faik Altıntaş, Çağatay Uluçay, Ender Uğutmen, Melih Güven, Koray Ünay

Issue: 2012, Volume 23 - Issue 3 Pages: 168-172
0 3411

Is proximal tibia the major problem in varus gonarthrosis? Evaluation of femur and ankle

Ahmet Issın, Vedat Şahin, Nizamettin Koçkara, Şükrü Gürsu, Ali Kurtuldu, Timur Yıldırım

Issue: 2012, Volume 23 - Issue 3 Pages: 128-133
0 2561

Chondroblastoma in the anterior cruciate ligament origo: A case report

Hafız Aydın, Ahmet Uğur Turhan, Metin Karataş, Atılgan Onay, Kadriye Yıldız

Issue: 2012, Volume 23 - Issue 2 Pages: 113-116
0 3973

Effect of bone cement application on the incidence of deep vein thrombosis in major joint arthroplasties

Ahmet Aslan, Emre Ağar, Nevres Hürriyet Aydoğan, Tolga Atay, Metin Lütfi Baydar, Vecihi Kırdemir, Ahmet Özden

Issue: 2011, Volume 22 - Issue 3 Pages: 149-154
0 3422

Rotational alignment of the lower extremity in adults: no relationship with osteoarthritis of the knee was proved

Yavuz Akalın, Abdurrahman Özçelik, Nusret Köse, Sinan Seber

Issue: 2011, Volume 22 - Issue 2 Pages: 075-080
0 5545

The relationship between the quadriceps muscle strength and the anterior knee pain occurring after locked intramedullary nailing for tibial diaphysis fractures

Abdullah Demirtaş, İbrahim Azboy, Mehmet Oğuz Durakbaşa, Bekir Yavuz Uçar, Ahmet Şükrü Mercan, İdris Ahmet Çakır

Issue: 2011, Volume 22 - Issue 2 Pages: 081-084
0 3826

The association between cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2/PTGS2) gene polymorphism and osteoarthritis gene polymorphism and osteoarthritis gene polymorphism and osteoarthritis

Volkan G. Güler, Serap Yalın, Mehmet Berköz, Özlem Bölgen Çimen, Erdinç Yalın, Pelin Eroğlu, Arzu Kanık

Issue: 2011, Volume 22 - Issue 1 Pages: 022-027
0 2323

Factors causing stiff knee after total knee arthroplasty

Serkan Erkan, Hüseyin S. Yercan, Güvenir Okcu, R. Taçkın Özalp

Issue: 2011, Volume 22 - Issue 1 Pages: 016-021
0 4184

Melatonin promotes fracture healing in the rat model

Mehmet Halıcı, Mithat Öner, Ahmet Güney, Özlem Canöz, Figen Narin, Canan Halıcı

Issue: 2010, Volume 21 - Issue 3 Pages: 172-177
0 2778

The healing of full-thickness articular cartilage defects in rabbits: successful results with fibroblast growth factor

Mahmut Argün, Mithat Öner, Ahmet Güney, Mehmet Halıcı, Oğuz Temizyürek, Özlem Canöz

Issue: 2010, Volume 21 - Issue 3 Pages: 147-152
0 2248

An optical method for investigation of thickness of damaged articular cartilage

Coşar Karagöl, Ahmet Turan Aydın, Semih Gür, Tuba Denkçeken, Murat Canpolat

Issue: 2010, Volume 21 - Issue 2 Pages: 104-109
0 3686

Opening focal dome osteotomy in the treatment of varus gonarthrosis associated with medial laxity

Mehmet Erdem, Taner Güneş, Cengiz Şen, Bora Bostan, Murat Aşçı

Issue: 2010, Volume 21 - Issue 2 Pages: 080-085
0 3663