
Single-staged bilateral total knee arthroplasty: the role of elderly age (70+ years) on perioperative complications

Murat Hersekli Ali, Sercan Akpınar, Gürkan Özkoç, Metin Özalay, Necip Cesur, Mustafa Uysal, Reha N Tandoğan

Pages: 001-004
0 1009

The results of Milwaukee brace treatment for thoracic Scheuermann’s kyphosis

Kerem Kurt, İ Teoman Benli, Çağlar Koçer, Onat Üzümcügil, Bülent Ateş, Erbil Aydın

Pages: 020-030
0 1180

Evaluation of structural changes in tarsal bones following complete subtalar release for congenital clubfoot

Önder Kalenderer, Haluk Ağuş, Aziz Vatansever, Serkan Özlük, Hüseyin Şentürk

Pages: 031-035
0 2054

The treatment of tibial fractures with unreamed interlocking nails

Mustafa Ürgüden, Hakan Özdemir, Yetkin Söyüncü, Fırat Oruç, A Merter Özenci, F Feyyaz Akyıld›z

Pages: 049-054
0 2224

Apoptosis of primary osteoblasts induced by dexamethasone: cellular and molecular mechanisms

Nirong Bao, Jianning Zhao, Yurong Wang, Sujia Wu, Xiaofeng Zeng, Junhua Wang

Pages: 055-061
0 1820

Bilateral traumatic dislocation of the hip: a case report

Asım Cılız, Ali Utkan, Cem Cüneyt Köse, Mehmet Emin Uludağ, Mehmet Ali Tümöz

Pages: 067-070
0 784

Spontaneous bilateral hip fractures following a seizure: a case report

Hüseyin Yercan, Taçkın Özalp, Aziz Vatansever, Güvenir Okçu, Uğur Öziç

Pages: 071-073
0 999