

0 1055

Is there something new and interesting in my article?

O. Şahap Atik

Pages: 069-069 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.003
0 2516

The positive impact of platelet-derived growth factor on the repair of full-thickness defects of articular cartilage

Sezgin Sarban, Hasan Tabur, Füsun Baba, U. Erdem Işıkan

Pages: 091-096 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.64018
0 2714

Comparison of arthroscopic microfracture and cell-free scaffold implantation techniques in the treatment of talar osteochondral lesions

Toygun Kağan Eren, Muhammet Baybars Ataoğlu, Ali Eren, Dilan Ece Geylan, Ali Yusuf Öner, Ulunay Kanatlı

Pages: 097-105 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.64401
0 6770

Is routine coracoplasty necessary in isolated subscapularis tears?

Tacettin Ayanoğlu, Baybars Ataoğlu, Mustafa Özer, Mehmet Çetinkaya, Ahmet Yiğit Kaptan, Ulunay Kanatlı

Pages: 112-116 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.64710
0 3211

Biochemical markers decrease and increase disproportionally in A1 pulley tissue of type 2 diabetic trigger finger patients

Nazmi Bülent Alp, Gökhan Akdağ, Gülsüm Karduz, Kübra Vardar, Uğur Aksu

Pages: 117-123 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.66112
0 2666

The use of fourth extensor compartment artery bone flap in Kienböck’s disease

Ahmet Nadir Aydemir, Metin Gönen, Ali Çağdaş Yorukoğlu, Mehmet Yücens, Ahmet Fahir Demirkan

Pages: 124-129 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.62471
0 3683

Functional and radiological outcomes of multiple dorsal carpometacarpal fracture dislocations treated with open reduction and internal fixation

Mehmet Ali Talmaç, Mehmet Akif Görgel, Ferdi Dırvar, Okan Tokgozoglu, Hacı Mustafa Özdemir

Pages: 130-136 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.64279
0 3216

Fit assessment of two different anatomically contoured distal femur plate sets on cadaveric bones

Ali Utkan, Volkan İğdir, Aydın Arslan, Tülin Şen Esmer, Bülent Özkurt

Pages: 137-142 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.64940
0 3114

The reliability of use of WhatsApp in type 1 and type 2 pediatric supracondylar fractures

Mehmet Kapıcıoğlu, Tunay Erden, Muzaffer Ağır, Fatih Küçükdurmaz

Pages: 149-154 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.66166
0 3367

Comparison of the impact factors of subscription access and open access orthopedics and sports medicine journals in the SCImago database

Barış Polat, Ramadan Özmanevra, Pınar Tunçbilek Özmanevra, Kadir Çağdaş Kazıkdaş

Pages: 163-167 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.64729
0 3296

The role of biomarkers in osteoarthritis and osteoporosis for early diagnosis and monitoring prognosis

O. Şahap Atik, Erdem Aras Sezgin, H. Emre Tepedelenlioğlu

Pages: 175-176 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.004
0 2669

Localized pigmented villonodular synovitis with hemorrhage arising from lateral meniscocapsular junction: A case report

Hyunwoo Kim, Dong Cheul Shintani, Kyu Sang Lee, Il-Tae Jang, Kyujo Lee

Pages: 177-181 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2019.66065
0 7627