
Is vitamin D2 better than vitamin D3?

O. Şahap Atik

Pages: 061-061
0 3531

The clinical profile of musculoskeletal injuries associated with the 2011 Van earthquake in Turkey

Gökay Görmeli, Cemile Ayşe Görmeli, Savaş Güner, Mehmet Fethi Ceylan, Recep Dursun

Pages: 068-071
0 2452

Is open surgery effective in early-term in patients with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome?

Nizamettin Koçkara, Ayşegül Bursalı, Ahmet Issın, Şükrü Sarper Gürsu, Timur Yıldırım, Vedat Şahin

Pages: 072-076
0 3984

Assessment of the effects of surgical treatment options for cubital tunnel syndrome on the ulnar nerve by USG and EMG

Fırat Seyfettinoğlu, Ali Karaer, Zeki Sertöz, Ali Dülgeroğlu, Melike Bedel Koruyucu, Osman Arslan Bora

Pages: 088-093
0 4457

Royal jelly and bee pollen decrease bone loss due to osteoporosis in an oophorectomized rat model

İbrahim Halil Kafadar, Ahmet Güney, Cemil Yıldırım Türk, Mithat Öner, Sibel Silici

Pages: 100-105
0 3182

Chondroblastoma in the anterior cruciate ligament origo: A case report

Hafız Aydın, Ahmet Uğur Turhan, Metin Karataş, Atılgan Onay, Kadriye Yıldız

Pages: 113-116
0 3894