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Femoral Neck Fracture In Intramedullar Femoral Nailing (Case Report)

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Biomechanical comparison of two different wire stretching methods in the treatment of tibial plateau fractures with the Ilizarov technique and the related clinical results

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Can the complications of distal locking be prevented with a new nail that offers a novel locking technique in the treatment of humeral shaft fractures?

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Acute correction and intramedullary nailing of aseptic oligotrophic and atrophic tibial nonunions with deformity

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May minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis be an alternative to intramedullary nailing in selected spiral oblique and spiral wedge tibial shaft fractures?

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Is simple decompression enough for the treatment of idiopathic cubital tunnel syndrome: A prospective comparative study analyzing the outcomes of simple decompression versus partial medial epicondylectomy

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A large palmar lipoma arising from flexor tenosynovium of the hand causing digital nerve compression: A case report

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Endoscopy-assisted distal locking of an intramedullary nail: A new experimental technique to reduce radiation exposure during distal locking of the intramedullary nails

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A comparison of exchange nailing and plate augmentation over a retained intramedullary nail in aseptic oligotrophic and atrophic femoral shaft pseudoarthrosis

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The effect of quercetin on bone healing in an experimental rat model

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Comparison of intramedullary nailing and plate fixation in the surgical treatment of isolated fractures of the distal two-thirds of ulna diaphysis

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A novel feasible technique for rapid removal of broken proximal femoral nails: A case series

Jinxi Hu,Fei Wen, Wenbin Chen, Ping Wang

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Comparison of clinical and radiological outcomes of vertebral body stenting versus percutaneous kyphoplasty for the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Ting Zhang, Yinxiao Peng, Jun Li

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Comparison between intramedullary nail and conventional plate for displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures: A meta-analysis

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Comparison of the efficacy and safety of unilateral and bilateral approach kyphoplasty in the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures: A meta-analysis

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