2006, Volume 17 - Issue 2
Lateral menisküs kistlerinde artroskopik parsiyel menisektominin orta dönem sonuçları
Hüseyin S Yercan, Güvenir Okcu, Serkan Erkan, Uğur Öziç
Pages: 067-071
0 1093
A histopathologic study of the transverse carpal ligament and flexor tenosynovium in patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome
A Erdem Bagatur, Sergülen Dervişoğlu, Mehmet Albayrak, Ahmet Doğan, İ. Erhan Mumcuoğlu, Gazi Zorer
Pages: 072-078
0 910
Evaluation of amputations with respect to etiology, level, and age groups
Erhan Yılmaz, Oktay Belhan, Lokman Karakurt, Mehmet Bulut, Erhan Serin
Pages: 079-084
0 1008
Ranges of scapular elevation and depression in healthy male subjects
Hasan Hallaceli, Ali Cımbız, Uğur Cavlak, İzge Günal
Pages: 085-088
0 2139
Comparison between the analgesic effects of intra-articular ropivacaine and ropivacaine plus fentanyl in arthroscopic knee surgery
Handan Birbiçer, Şebnem Atıcı, Nurcan Doruk, İrfan Ayan, Davud Yapıcı, Uğur Oral
Pages: 089-093
0 843
Identification of substance P receptors on fibroblast-like cells derived from the periosteum: an in vitro cell culture study
Feza Korkusuz, Petek Korkusuz, Aykut Özkul
Pages: 094-100
0 1788
The effect of repeated sympathetic blocks on bone growth
Cengiz Yılmaz, Metin M Eskandari, Şebnem Atıcı, Necat Yılmaz, Savaş Aktaş
Pages: 101-104
0 724
Necrotising fasciitis following closed femoral diaphyseal fracture in a child
Ayhan Kılıç, Etel Kayıran, Murat Gül, Bülent Emrah Sayın, Sibel Özkan Gürdal
Pages: 105-109
0 1028
Open reduction in a patient with chronic unreduced traumatic hip dislocation
Metin Manouchehr Eskandari, Cengiz Gönlüşen, İsmail Türkay Özcan, Fehmi Kuyurtar
Pages: 110-113
0 877