Are myofibroblasts activated in idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome? An immunohistochemical study

Murat Yeşil, A.Kadir Bacakoğlu, Mehmet Doğan

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Manual therapy is an effective treatment for frozen shoulder in diabetics: An observational study

İrem Düzgün, Gül Baltacı, Özgür Ahmet Atay

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Effect of glucosamine chondroitine sulphate on repaired tenotomized rat Achilles tendons

Hamza Özer, Anıl Taşkesen, Oğuz Kul, Hakan Y. Selek, Sacit Turanlı, Kenan Köse

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Invivo application of hystoacryl (n–butyl–2–syanoacrylate) adhesive for meniscal tears: experimental study in rabbits

İrfan Ayan, Mehmet Çolak, Ebru Ballı, Sinem Öztuna, Fehmi Kuyurtar

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Deleterious Effects of Local Corticosteroid Injections on The Achilles Tendon

Hasan TATARI, Can KOSAY, Onder BARAN, Ozal OZCAN, Erdener OZER

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There is a correlation between histopathological findings of joint capsule and synovium, and postoperative clinical outcomes and treatment in patients with isolated type II superior labrum anterior posterior lesions

Sualp Turan, Alper Deveci, Sezer Kulaçoğlu, Olgun Bingöl, Güzelali Özdemir

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Impact of radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy in post-laminectomy epidural fibrosis in a rat model

Bahtiyar Haberal, Ekin Kaya Şimşek, Koray Akpınar, Duygu Türkbey Şimşek, Fikret Şahintürk

Issue: 2021, Volume 32 - Issue 1 Pages: 162-169 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2021.77870
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A review of the efficacy of intraarticular hip injection for patients with hip osteoarthritis: To inject or not to inject in hip osteoarthritis?

Sanjiv Rampal, Ashish Jaiman, Mehmet Ali Tokgöz, Gayathri Arumugam, Sureshan Sivananthan, Rashdeep Singh Jagdeb Singh, Syafiqah Binti Zazali, Maziar Mohaddes

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Increase in range of motion after intra-articular injection of triamcinolone acetonide for the treatment of frozen shoulder is related to body mass index

Hyo-jin Lee, Yang-soo Kim, Bo-seoung Kim

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The painful joint after COVID-19 treatment: A study on joint osteonecrosis following COVID-19-related corticosteroid use

Enejd Veizi, Yasin Erdoğan, Başak Sinem Sezgin, Yavuz Karaman, Kasım Kılıçarslan, Ahmet Fırat

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Comparison of local massage, steroid injection, and extracorporeal shock wave therapy efficacy in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis

Baki Volkan Çetin, Ömercan Sepetçi, İzzettin Yazar, Ahmet Yiğit Kaptan, Özlem Orhan, Mehmet Demir, Mehmet Akif Altay

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