Can the complications of distal locking be prevented with a new nail that offers a novel locking technique in the treatment of humeral shaft fractures?

Abdullah Demirtaş, Mehmet Esat Uygur, İsmail Türkmen, Afşar Timuçin Özkut, Fuat Akpınar

Issue: 2020, Volume 31 - Issue 3 Pages: 470-475 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2020.72963
1128 2245

Acute correction and intramedullary nailing of aseptic oligotrophic and atrophic tibial nonunions with deformity

Mustafa Gökhan Bilgili, Bülent Tanrıverdi, Erdem Edipoğlu, Önder Murat Hürmeydan, Alkan Bayrak, Altuğ Duramaz, Cemal Kural

Issue: 2020, Volume 31 - Issue 3 Pages: 480-487 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2020.75293
1008 2110

May minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis be an alternative to intramedullary nailing in selected spiral oblique and spiral wedge tibial shaft fractures?

Yusuf Alper Katı, Özdamar Fuad Öken, Ahmet Özgür Yıldırım, Özkan Köse, Melih Ünal

Issue: 2020, Volume 31 - Issue 3 Pages: 494-501 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2020.75052
1194 2147

Comparison of clinical and radiological results of fixation methods with retrograde intramedullary Kirschner wire and plate-screw in extra-articular metacarpal fractures

Mehmet Baydar, Abdurrahman Aydın, Ayşe Şencan, Osman Orman, Serkan Aykut, Kahraman Öztürk

Issue: 2021, Volume 32 - Issue 2 Pages: 397-405 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2021.40
1631 1175

InSafeLOCK® humeral nailing for humeral nonunions: Clinical and radiological results

Oktay Polat, Serdar Toy, Birkan Kibar

Issue: 2021, Volume 32 - Issue 2 Pages: 446-453 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2021.81535
1359 1126

Surgical outcomes of scaphoid fracture osteosynthesis with magnesium screws

Oktay Polat, Serdar Toy, Birkan Kibar

Issue: 2021, Volume 32 - Issue 3 Pages: 721-728 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2021.298
2389 1281

Endoscopy-assisted distal locking of an intramedullary nail: A new experimental technique to reduce radiation exposure during distal locking of the intramedullary nails

Serkan Davut, Yunus Doğramacı

Issue: 2021, Volume 32 - Issue 3 Pages: 642-648 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2021.297
1988 1159

Influence of the femoral entry point for intramedullary alignment in total knee arthroplasty: A computer-aided design approach

Christoph Stotter, Erich Reiter, Werner Schretter, Philippe Reuter, Stefan Nehrer, Thomas Klestil

Issue: 2022, Volume 33 - Issue 2 Pages: 294-302 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2022.645
884 1178

Bilateral acetabular fracture secondary to high-velocity trauma: A rare case report

Guy Romeo Kenmegne*, Chang Zou*, Xuanhong He, Grace Paka Lubamba, Yue Fang

Issue: 2022, Volume 33 - Issue 2 Pages: 455-461 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2022.641
2953 949

Comparison of helical blade versus lag screw in intertrochanteric fractures of the elderly treated with proximal femoral nail: A meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials

Jiazhi Huang, Qingjun Wei

Issue: 2022, Volume 33 - Issue 3 Pages: 695-704 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2022.789
1651 1058

Does obesity affect diaphyseal femoral fracture healing treated with intramedullary locking nail?

Samuel John Jebasingam Issace, Rashdeep Singh Jagdeb Singh, Narresh Sisubalasingam, Mehmet Ali Tokgöz, Ashish Jaiman, Sanjiv Rampal

Issue: 2023, Volume 34 - Issue 1 Pages: 009-015 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2023.649
1140 1019

A comparison of exchange nailing and plate augmentation over a retained intramedullary nail in aseptic oligotrophic and atrophic femoral shaft pseudoarthrosis

Osman Çimen, Ali Öner, Alper Köksal, Ferdi Dırvar, Muhammed Mert, Deniz Kargın

Issue: 2023, Volume 34 - Issue 1 Pages: 121-129 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2023.788
950 782

Comparison of intramedullary nailing and plate fixation in the surgical treatment of isolated fractures of the distal two-thirds of ulna diaphysis

Ali Şişman, Ömer Polat

Issue: 2023, Volume 34 - Issue 2 Pages: 374-380 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2023.992
555 910

A novel feasible technique for rapid removal of broken proximal femoral nails: A case series

Jinxi Hu,Fei Wen, Wenbin Chen, Ping Wang

Issue: 2023, Volume 34 - Issue 2 Pages: 463-468 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2023.873
986 1139

Comparing the outcomes of tripod technique and locked plate fixation for the treatment of Mason type 3 radial head fractures

İbrahim Faruk Adıgüzel, Osman Orman, Ethem Ayhan Ünkar, Mehmet Baydar, Mehmet Eren, Kahraman Öztürk

Issue: 2023, Volume 34 - Issue 3 Pages: 716-723 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2023.1161
556 665

Comparison between intramedullary nail and conventional plate for displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures: A meta-analysis

Xin Fu, Zhong-bo Deng, Gui-xin Wang, Chen-guang Wang, Zhi-jun Li

Issue: 2024, Volume 35 - Issue 2 Pages: 276-284 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2024.1542
319 373