Long-term results of treatment of Gustilo-Anderson type 3A-B tibia fractures due to combat-related high-energy ballistic injuries treated with external circular fixator: Experience of the Military Medical Academy

Yusuf Erdem, Hakan Zeybek, Cagri Neyisci, Eyyup Emre Bahtiyar, Ozgur Selim Uysal, Mustafa Kurklu

Issue: 2024, Volume 35 - Issue 3 Pages: 637-644 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2024.1797
112 118

Characterization and mapping of upper extremity fractures in children by a tertiary hospital quarantine and post-quarantine period

Malik Çelik, Mirachan Kantarcı, İbrahim Esad Sapmaz, Vedat Öztürk, Emre Baca, Altuğ Duramaz

Issue: 2024, Volume 35 - Issue 3 Pages: 692-698 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2024.1720
101 144