Is tendinitis in volar plating related to the dorsally protruding screw length and its compartment?

Taner Alic, Nurdan Fidan, Ercan Hassa, Sinan Zehir

Issue: 2023, Volume 34 - Issue 1 Pages: 108-114 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2023.856
944 1039

Comparison of plaster cast and open reduction internal fixation in delayed fourth and fifth carpometacarpal fracture-dislocations

Uğur Bezirgan, Erdinç Acar, Nuri Ülgen, Merve Dursun Savran, Mehmet Armangil

Issue: 2023, Volume 34 - Issue 2 Pages: 315-324 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2023.851
767 1016

A comparison of two immobilization methods in the conservative treatment of pediatric distal forearm fractures: Long arm cast versus single sugar-tong splint

Ali Engin Daştan, Arman Vahabi, Omar Aljasim, Bünyamin Kılıçlı, Levent Küçük, Erhan Coşkunol

Issue: 2023, Volume 34 - Issue 2 Pages: 381-388 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2023.981
730 951

Predictive value of bone morphogenetic protein-7, thromboxane A2, and osteoprotegerin for prognosis of patients with distal radius fractures

Sheng Jing, Yan Wang, Xiangsheng Meng, Xiuchao Shang, Haiquan Zhu, Xiao Sun,

Issue: 2023, Volume 34 - Issue 2 Pages: 279-288 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2023.1043
678 745

The midterm psychological effect of cast removal procedures in children

Uygar Daşar, Ozan Altun, Yılmaz Ergişi, Osman Arıkan, Erdi Özdemir

Issue: 2024, Volume 35 - Issue 2 Pages: 404-409 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2024.1689
261 268