How effective is in situ pinning with single screw fixation in mildly or moderately slipped capital femoral epipyhysis?

Mutlu Çobanoglu, Emre Çullu, İlhan Özkan

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Valgisation Osteosynthesis in the Treatment of Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

Izge GUNAL, Hasan T DOGRUL, Perran GOKCE

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Osteochondral autograft transplantation of the femoral head in sequelae of developmental dysplasia of hip: A case report and review of the literature

Burak Kaymaz, Sancar Bakırcıoğlu, Güney Yılmaz, Özgür Ahmet Atay, Mehmet Cemalettin Aksoy

Issue: 2020, Volume 31 - Issue 3 Pages: 619-625 DOI: 10.5606/ehc.2020.75135
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Slipped capital femoral epiphysis after tumor prosthesis implantation in a patient receiving chemotherapy

Recep Öztürk, Markus Nottrott, Wiebke Guder, Julian Röder, Christina Polan, Lars Erik Podleska, Arne Streitbürger, Jendrik Hardes, Nina Myline Engel

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