discitis/complications |
163 |
escherichia coli infections/ complications |
163 |
lumbar vertebrae/pathology/surgery |
163 |
psoas abscess/ etiology/microbiology/surgery |
163 |
spinal fusion/adverse effects. |
163 |
diskitis/kompliksyon |
163 |
escherichia coli/ komplikasyon |
163 |
lomber vertebra/patoloji/cerrahi |
163, 133 |
psoas apsesi/etyoloji/mikrobiyoloji/cerrahi |
163 |
spinal füzyon/yan etki. |
163 |
intervertebral disk displacement/surgery |
146, 118, 158, 137, 082, 125, 141 |
lumbar vertebrae/surgery/radiography |
146, 153, 111 |
spinal fusion/instrumentation/methods |
146 |
spinal stenosis/surgery |
146, 111 |
spondylolisthesis/surgery. |
146 |
intervertebral disk deplasmanı/cerrahi |
146, 118, 158, 082, 125, 141 |
lomber vertebra/cerrahi/radyografi |
146, 153, 118 |
spinal füzyon/entrümantasyon/yöntem |
146 |
spinal stenoz/cerrahi |
146 |
spondilolistesis/cerrahi. |
146, 111 |
diskectomy |
088, 082, 102 |
percutaneous/methods |
088, 082, 102 |
fluoroscopy/ methods |
088 |
intervertebral disk displacement/surgery/radiography |
088, 096, 102 |
thoracic vertebrae/surgery |
088, 096 |
tomography |
088, 153, 096 |
x-ray computed. |
088, 153, 096 |
diskektomi |
088, 082, 102 |
perkütan/yöntem |
088, 082, 102 |
floroskopi/ yöntem |
088 |
intervertebral disk deplasmanı/cerrahi/radyografi |
088, 096, 102 |
torasik vertebra/cerrahi |
088, 096 |
bilgisayarlı tomografi. |
088, 096 |
bone screws |
153, 125, 141 |
spinal fusion/instrumentation |
153 |
stereotaxic techniques |
153 |
therapy |
153 |
computer-assisted |
153 |
kemik çivisi |
153 |
spinal füzyon/enstrümantasyon |
153 |
stereotaksik teknikler |
153 |
tedavi |
153 |
bilgisayar yardımlı |
153 |
bilgisayarlı tmografi. |
153 |
aged |
133 |
decompression |
133, 082 |
surgical |
133 |
lumbar vertebrae/ pathology/surgery |
133 |
spinal stenosis/pathology/surgery |
133 |
spondylolisthesis/surgery/radiography. |
133 |
yaşlılık |
133 |
dekompresyon |
133, 082 |
cerrahi |
133 |
spinal stenoz/patoloji/cerrahi |
133 |
spondilolistesis/cerrahi/radyografi. |
133 |
carbon dioxide |
077 |
cervical vertebrae/surgery |
077 |
lasers/ therapeutic use |
077 |
ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament/ surgery |
077 |
spinal fusion/methods |
077 |
spine/surgery. |
077 |
karbon dioksit |
077 |
servikal vertebra/cerrahi |
077 |
lazer/terapötik kullanım |
077 |
posterior longitudinal ligaman ossifikasyonu/cerrahi |
077 |
spinal füzyon/yöntem |
077 |
omurilik/cerrahi. |
077 |
lumbar vertebrae/ surgery/radiography |
118 |
neurodegenerative diseases/diagnosis |
118 |
prostheses and implants |
118, 158, 137, 125 |
range of motion |
118 |
articular |
118 |
spinal fusion/methods/adverse effects. |
118 |
nörodejeneratif hastalık/tanı |
118 |
protez ve implant |
118, 158, 137, 125 |
hareket açıklığı |
118 |
artiküler |
118 |
spinal füzyon/yöntem/yan etki. |
118 |
lumbar vertebrae/surgery |
158, 125, 141 |
spinal fusion/methods. |
158 |
lomber vertebra/cerrahi |
158, 125, 141 |
spinal füzyon/yöntem. |
158 |
prosthesis design |
137 |
spinal fusion/instrumentation/methods. |
137, 125 |
intervertebral disk replasmanı/cerrahi |
137 |
protez tasarımı |
137 |
spinal füzyon/enstrümantasyon/yöntem. |
137, 125 |
diskectomy/methods |
096 |
endoscopy/methods |
096 |
diskektomi/yöntem |
096 |
endoskopi/yöntem |
096 |
cervical vertebrae |
082 |
surgical/methods |
082 |
treatment outcome. |
082 |
servikal vertebra |
082 |
cerrahi/ yöntem |
082 |
tedavi sonucu. |
082 |
joint instability |
111, 125 |
spondylolisthesis/ surgery. |
111 |
eklem instabilitesi |
111, 125 |
lomber vertebra/cerrahi/ radyografi |
111 |
spinal stenosis/cerrahi |
111 |
biomechanics |
125 |
biyomekanik |
125 |
kemik vidası |
125, 141 |
bacterial infections |
141 |
bone transplantation |
141 |
osteomyelitis/etiology/surgery |
141 |
postoperative complications. |
141 |
bakteriyel enfeksiyon |
141 |
kemik transplantasyonu |
141 |
osteomiyelit/etyoloji/cerrahi |
141 |
ameliyat sonrası komplikasyon. |
141 |
lumbar vertebrae/surgery. |
102 |
lomber vertebra/cerrahi. |
102 |