Hinge positioning method of Ilizarov apparatus in correcting radial head luxation caused by multiple hereditary exostoses

Rui Zhang*, Xiaoyu Wang*, Shenghe Liu, Hongjiang Ruan, Jia Xu, Qinglin Kang

Issue: 2022, Volume 33 - Issue 1 Pages: 040-050 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2022.502
1581 1512

Comparing the outcomes of tripod technique and locked plate fixation for the treatment of Mason type 3 radial head fractures

İbrahim Faruk Adıgüzel, Osman Orman, Ethem Ayhan Ünkar, Mehmet Baydar, Mehmet Eren, Kahraman Öztürk

Issue: 2023, Volume 34 - Issue 3 Pages: 716-723 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2023.1161
789 947

Conservative treatment of congenital radial head subluxation and non-traumatic elbow locking: A case report

Shao-Guang Li*, Shuai-Jie LV*, Ding-Yi Zhang, Bang-Jian He

Issue: 2024, Volume 35 - Issue 2 Pages: 410-416 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2024.1608
1649 571

Heterotopic ossification following severe radial head fractures: Clinical outcome and associated factors

Cornelius Sebastian Fischer, Johannes Porsche, Diane Leyder, Daniel Schüll, Tina Histing, Patrick Ziegler

Issue: 2025, Volume 36 - Issue 1 Pages: 047-055 DOI: 10.52312/jdrs.2025.1992
499 252