Volar dislocation of the wrist with open dorsal dislocation of the distal ulna in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis
Ayhan Kılıç, Atilla Sancar Parmaksızoğlu, İrfan Öztürk
Taksim Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kliniği
Keywords: Arthritis, rheumatoid; dislocations; ulna/ surgery; wrist joint/surgery.
Rheumatoid arthritis can cause volar subluxation of carpal bones, dorsal migration of the distal ulna, and tendinous imbalance deformities in the wrist. A 53-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis had complaints of pain in the left wrist, limitation of movement, discharge, and cosmetic deformity due to a mass-like lesion. On physical examination, there was severe limitation of movements of the wrist, volar carpal dislocation, and dorsal penetration of the distal ulna through the skin. The distal end of the ulna was resected together with arthrodesis of the wrist using the Haddad-Riordan technique. Complete union of the arthrodesis area was obtained two months after surgery and physical therapy was started for her fingers.