Quadriceps reconstruction with suture anchor and Achilles allograft combination in quadriceps tendon re-rupture after primary surgical repair: A novel technique
Erhan Okay1, Mehmet Cenk Turgut2
, Abbas Tokyay3
1Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Ministry of Health, Göztepe Prof. Dr. Süleyman Yalçın City Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
2Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Ministry of Health, Erzurum City Hospital, Erzurum, Turkey
3Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Yüzüncü Yıl University Faculty of Medicine, Van, Turkey
Keywords: Achilles allograft, quadriceps tendon re-rupture, suture anchor.
Quadriceps ruptures are one of the pathological conditions of the knee extensor mechanism, accounting for 3% of all tendon injuries. These injuries cause substantial disability of the extensor mechanism. Primary repair is the treatment of choice in acute presentation. In the setting of chronic conditions, the treatment becomes more challenging. Available surgical options include lengthening procedures, and reconstruction with auto graft or allografts. The traditional Scuderi and Codivilla techniques are challenging to perform in degenerative or traumatic retracted ruptures. There is no standard effective treatment in these patients, which yields the best clinical and biomechanical outcomes. An 18-year-old male patient with quadriceps re-rupture after a primary repair was managed with allograft reconstruction using suture anchors. At six years of follow-up, the patient gained a full range of motion with excellent clinical outcomes. He returned to his previous work. In conclusion, quadriceps reconstruction using suture anchor and Achilles allograft combination is a feasible technique in neglected cases who present with quadriceps tendon re-rupture after primary surgical repair.
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