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Murat Oto, Ahmed Thabet, Freeman Miller, Laurens Holmes

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Is gluteus medius injured in patients treated with a trochanter tip entry intramedullary nail? Clinical, electrophysiological and functional outcomes

Yılmaz Ergişi, Nihan Kafa, Mehmet Ali Tokgöz, Erdem Demir, Zeynep Hazar Kanık, Erdem Aras Sezgin, Muhammet Baybars Ataoğlu

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Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty results in a better gait pattern than total knee arthroplasty: Gait analysis with a smartphone application

Deniz Çankaya, Sefa Aktı, Şenay Betül Ünal, Erdem Aras Sezgin

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Effect of posterior-stabilized and cruciate-retaining implants on three-dimensional kinematic characteristics after total knee arthroplasty

Cheng Gu, Xuming Luo, Hailong Liu, Baoxi Yu, Ming Fu, Weiliang Luo

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