The greater trochanter located in the acetabulum in a girl with developmental dysplasia of the hip: an unusual complication after redislocation
Mai Xu, Shuguang Gao, Zhiyong Hu, Guanghua Lei
Department of Orthopaedics, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Hunan, China
Keywords: Developmental dysplasia of the hip; femur; recovery of function.
Unstable closed reduction often leads to unsatisfied function. Abnormal force transmission after unstable closed reduction can cause pain, episodes of instability and restriction of range of movement. There is a limited number of literature data which suggests overgrown greater trochanteric located in the acetabulum as a false femoral head without any functional deterioration. In this article, we reported a five-year-old girl with developmental dysplasia of the left hip redislocated following closed reduction. After five-years of follow-up, overgrown greater trochanter was located in the left acetabulum and it unexpectedly resulted in a satisfied function. The unforeseen overgrown greater trochanteric as a false femoral head may lead to a satisfactory function at five-years after reduction. However, long-term follow is required, as its role in early-onset degenerative osteoarthritis remains inconclusive.